This means Very Easy will level you much faster than any other difficulty, so if you were going into a 2nd playthrough on console where you cannot cheat and wanted to try a new build this would be the way to go - burn through buildings and steamroll quests, get the XP and hike the difficulty later. The experience you get for a kill will not be affected by difficulty. I do not recommend Very Easy and Easy unless you want to blow through the game - as in for people who just don't have much time to play and want to enjoy the story. They know what Perks to pick to make a truly character. Players going through a second time will likely want to try the game on Very Hard or Survival. If you feel particularly powerful on normal, you should probably play on hard and will enjoy the game much more, while getting better loot. Head to the gameplay menu and change the difficulty at any time. I also try to provide some tips for playing on higher difficulties and what you'll expect to need to do to survive battles. Here's a rundown of what you can expect from each difficulty setting in the game as far as Legendary enemies and the damage you'll deal and take. The difficulty setting effects a number of factors in Fallout 4, and they are very noticeable, particularly with the jumps from normal to very hard and Survival Mode. I chose to play on Hard and Very Hard for much of my gameplay, because I didn't want my experience to be too easy.

Some people will play Fallout 4 on Survival Difficulty right away in order to enjoy a challenging experience, and many will turn it down just to get past the first Raider. Comment on the appropriate page if you have a tip to share with other readers.įallout 4 Difficulty: Easy to Survival What Changes: Legendary Rate, Damage Dealt and Damage Taken Difficulty can be changed at any time and affects Damage dealt/taken, Legendary enemy spawn rates and, specifically on Survival, the rate healing items restore your health. There is much more to this DLC, it will just take time to write it all. I've written over a dozen in just a week and plan to continue. See a full list of guides on the Nuka World page.