Star wars the clone wars commander colt
Star wars the clone wars commander colt

star wars the clone wars commander colt

  • Hit-and-Run Tactics: The clone troopers, who usually stand and fight to the last man, employ instead guerrilla warfare tactics, retreating into the facility where they hide behind closed doors and in the barracks to ambush the droid army that comes after them.
  • Force-Choke: Ventress does this to Commander Colt before she kills him with her lightsaber.
  • It turns out to be a Disney Death as Obi-Wan is rescued by an aiwha.
  • Disney Villain Death: Grievous assumes that this is what happens to Obi-Wan after he falls off the platform they're on towards the water below.
  • During the invasion, he finally gets the chance to join in the battle and dies the honorable death he always wanted. However, due to his physical defects, he has been stuck as Kamino's janitor instead.
  • Death Seeker: The only thing 99 wants more than anything is to be a real soldier and honorably die on the battlefield like any clone.
  • That's hundreds of babies dying onscreen.

    star wars the clone wars commander colt

  • Death of a Child: During the attack, towers of cloning tanks are destroyed.
  • Chekhov's Skill: 99's knowledge of the clone facility comes in real handy when the clones need to quickly move about.
  • It comes back to save him in the air in this episode's climax.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: An aiwha, a Kaminoan animal that can both swim and fly, is befriended by Obi-Wan early on in the water.
  • The Cameo: Broadside (a clone pilot who is introduced in " Shadow of Malevolence") is leading the Y-wing squadron participating in the battle.
  • Call-Back: Some of the clone cadets introduced in " Death Trap" make their return in this episode through helping Fives and Echo fight the attacking Separatist droids.

  • Star wars the clone wars commander colt